Celebrating our Volunteers
This week we celebrated our wonderful volunteers for their individual and collective efforts at a twilight cocktail event in the courtyard.
The management team were in attendance to show their gratitude for the expertise and assistance of the 80+ members who generously share their time for the benefit of the Club and our members.
- Board Members,
- Audit & Risk,
- Medical Committee,
- Golf Committee,
- Men’s & Women’s Match Sub-Committees,
- Course Presentation Working Group,
- Facilities Masterplan Working Group,
- Foundation Trustees,
- Bridge,
- Sod Squad,
- Aqua Squad,
- Course Care Crew,
- Media,
- Heritage & History,
- Game Development,
- Legal,
- Clubhouse Maintenance and.
- Community Fundraising.
Thank you!
The evening of celebration also recognised the outstanding effort and community spirit shown be Marguerite Cullity who was presented the Spirit of Cottesloe Award for her work on the Junior Deaf & Hard of Hearing Golf Program.
Margy has been responsible for the architecture and organisation of the program including; securing grant funding, coordinating the students and schools, liaising with the teaching professionals and assisting with learning materials, writing a whitepaper that is being used as an industry resource.
Congratulations Margy, very well deserved.